Sunday, December 13, 2009

Omg D=

Tests and exam like stuff tomorrow

and even tho im telling myself to do this and that for however long to failing at will POOWA

T____T please gimme some~ to not study even tho i really should...and i might just a little...maybe

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sitting in my school library comp and doing nothing cept fanfics and facebook D=

dude i have a test today and a major one tomorrow and my comp tests i SERIOUSLY need to START

but the training exercises for comp is up...
my id book is in from of me...
and so is my manual......


u know wut....
i think i'll go on mangas now since theres nothing i really want to read and theres no one on facebook*note studying is once again ignored*

-singsongvoice- chinese japanese look at those dirty knees

D= that clapping song is in my head and i cant believe i didnt realize it was such a racist song...

oh frances~

Monday, December 7, 2009


So exam times are now upon us

whatever shall we do?!

recently i moved into my uncle's place and am sleeping on my 4 yearold cousin's princess bed which i gotta say isnt as fun as i thought itd be

for one thing...the net like thing...that goes over the head part kept waking me up in the middle of the night and i finally had to move the whole thing away

also she put up these bunny on string things u hang over ur doorway so when i went to the washroom this morning the things scared the crap outta me D= i was like -closed eyes-...-walkshufflewalk- -HIT- WTF O_O oh.....>.>

not a good morning...

and although i know he means well my uncle made us breakfast
.....oatmeal halfwater/halfmilk
...with no sugar....

i honestly had no idea what i was eating for the first 3 spoonfuls XD sloow~

other than that my first day/night here was alright

but whenever someone calls my name..because the house is so big i have to look around
unlike my house where theres a straight halway and basically no doors
doors run RAMPENT in this house and the place is one of those where it loops so it harder to spot where the person calling u is since this place ECHO(e?)S

well then im off to try and study now~

Sunday, November 15, 2009

F-ed over

fuck not again

that was the longest post ive ever written

this is why i didnt post for 2 days =_=

action of the day "KANCHO"

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hikago =O

Shit I deleted the huge ass post that took me ten minuts to write....

Screw rewrites

Quotes of the day "If I stand in a large crowd in the middle of a field on a sunny cloudless day, lightning will find me."

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thats it im screwed

Why is it that when theres a test and always pick youtube vids over study notes?

i have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA wut will be on this test and am just gonna COMPLETELY WING IT

which basically means im gonna FAIL
T_T seriously
no will power
i was even scolding myself as i pulled my earphones out of my bag that i shouldnt be doing this
im off to fail now

then i gotta start on everything ELSE that need to be done or w/e T_T

***Will be found in fetal position in darkest part of room***

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Are you kidding me?!?!

Fucking hiccups

Shit D=

I just remembered I have two 1000 word essays due this Fri and i havent started
but I also have a test tomorrow that has about 50 pages of NOTES alone and another test on thurs with a few pages of instructions i have to MEMORIZE
Its like all the papers are saying
T_T I will... dont worry -sobs in dark corner of room-
and i failed yet ANOTHER test i swear if this continues im gonna have to do the year all over again and thsts a waste of time and money T_T
why cant life stop at high school?

Monday, November 9, 2009


im not a gonna break anything
but i just gotta say
seseame street is one f-ed up piece of idea
i hate all puppets
even those freaking things in the sound of music puppet play D=
they give me the creeps
they're NOT funny
whoever came up with the idea of sock puppets and sticking ur hand up a metaphorical ass to entertain kids with squeaky voices and over use of the nodding action must have been some sick wacko high on crack and herione =_=

but potterpuppetpals are awesome
because harry potter makes everything awesome

seseame street?



Who knew that last minute morning crams can be so effective?
I THINK I did ok on my tests since I dont want to jinx it or anything I wont say the "P" word.
thanks god dental dam is tomorrow
but then i found out that i have a RAD test on wed and i already missed rad lab last week so that means im a week behind everyone else now D=

being sick was no fun but now im also behind

today i found out theres been a couple of reported sexual assults that happened RIGHT ROUND my school D= will the bad news nvr stop
with my sched id be happy to make it home before the sun decides to set on us T_T
school is so torture

Sunday, November 8, 2009


I just have to say that the google layout thing or w/e
is getting annoying
ive nvr like seseame street
now im staying to hate it
how long will this go on
if i have to see another puppet character thing again
i swear ill break a dish or something

study? whats that?

So I basically have three diff tests tomorrow...
the infection control, dental dam and the hygenist thing where I have no clue what we're supposed to be doing but I should be studying anyway.
It's 12:50 in the frigin morn and I'm starting a blog? XD How unwilling to be a student am I? D=

MMMM >.<>

When I think about jobs I feel queezy and stuff. Never was used to change and this is just soo much to take in when I think that after all this I can work. But then my parents are making me go for another program which is gonna last another couple of years for a job that more independant than helper. I am so not good at doing things by myself...I only do it because I dont know how to not sound bossy when I'm giving my opinion. >.<

W/E thats all I have for today.