Monday, December 7, 2009


So exam times are now upon us

whatever shall we do?!

recently i moved into my uncle's place and am sleeping on my 4 yearold cousin's princess bed which i gotta say isnt as fun as i thought itd be

for one thing...the net like thing...that goes over the head part kept waking me up in the middle of the night and i finally had to move the whole thing away

also she put up these bunny on string things u hang over ur doorway so when i went to the washroom this morning the things scared the crap outta me D= i was like -closed eyes-...-walkshufflewalk- -HIT- WTF O_O oh.....>.>

not a good morning...

and although i know he means well my uncle made us breakfast
.....oatmeal halfwater/halfmilk
...with no sugar....

i honestly had no idea what i was eating for the first 3 spoonfuls XD sloow~

other than that my first day/night here was alright

but whenever someone calls my name..because the house is so big i have to look around
unlike my house where theres a straight halway and basically no doors
doors run RAMPENT in this house and the place is one of those where it loops so it harder to spot where the person calling u is since this place ECHO(e?)S

well then im off to try and study now~


  1. Wow ~ You still haven't told me why you're there in the first place o_o
    Anyways good luck on your exams!
    And yeah I also hate it when I type a long blog and it just messes up and deletes the whole thing >_>
    So what I do is after every once in awhile, or a paragraph or half a paragraph, I'd press "ctrl + A" to select all. Then I'll "ctrl + C" to copy it. Then whenever it messes up I'll just go back to the blog and "ctrl + V" to paste it all back. Hope it works for you too! ~ <3
    I totally thought you stopped blogging you know xD
